Nov 27, 2018
In this week's episode of Fill Me In, Ryan and Brian recover from Thanksgiving, reminisce about their lost youths, and valiantly attempt to explain how logic puzzles work.
This show:
Nov 20, 2018
In this week's episode of Fill Me In, Ryan and Brian attempt to translate a Russian crossword, anagram the capital of Ecuador, and reverse engineer a contest puzzle.
This show:
Nov 13, 2018
In this week's episode of Fill Me In, Ryan returns to the airwaves, Brian agrees to eat a Cynthia Nixon sandwich, and no one knows which puzzles in Panda Magazine to start with.
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If you enjoy our show (or even if you...
Nov 6, 2018
BREAKING NEWS! This week, Ryan bemoans his beloved Dodgers in silent quarantine, and Brian welcomes special guest host Angela Olson Halsted to the show!
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