Apr 25, 2023
If you're into listening to Ryan and Brian talk, then you're in luck this week. They take a crack at the ACPT puzzles from both 2023 and 1983, examining the good, the bad, and the stuff they didn't understand.
If you get bored (how could you?!), write something for the Fill Me In wiki. And if you're feeling...
Apr 18, 2023
This week, Ryan and Brian mention Passport Rummy, Banana Slingshot, and Lemonade Disco -- but only two of three are actually things. Brian cackles more than usual, and Ryan screws up the Viewer Mail song, so gape and gawk all you want.
If you get bored (how could you?!), write something for the Fill Me In wiki. And if...
Apr 11, 2023
This week, Ryan and Brian discuss copyright, collectibles, tobacco, and the apparently hysterical death of a cat. Content is scarce ... or is it sparse? Listen to this week's Kealoa to find out!
If you get bored (how could you?!), write something for the Fill Me In wiki. And if you're feeling philanthropic, donate...
Apr 4, 2023
Fill Me In is almost entirely rooted in the unnecessary glorification of the E Division ... and despite all of Brian's attempts at celebration, Ryan makes a complete disaster of everything. All that, plus a contest puzzle (!!!) from Stephanie Lane and Norah Sharpe (aEiS, WotED).
If you get bored (how could you?!),...