Jan 25, 2011
Being busy and being away from home are two separate concepts yielding two separate results.
In the original series of Fill Me In (2008-11) there were rarely (if ever) show notes -- or if there were, they were lost to the blurry mists of time. But seriously, if you're going back to these old chestnuts, do you need show...
Jan 11, 2011
Our Motto: ottoM ruO.
In the original series of Fill Me In (2008-11) there were rarely (if ever) show notes -- or if there were, they were lost to the blurry mists of time. But seriously, if you're going back to these old chestnuts, do you need show notes? No, you're a die-hard, stop-at-nothing, rabidly fanatical...
Jan 4, 2011
Recaps! News! The future! All we need now is something interesting to talk about.
In the original series of Fill Me In (2008-11) there were rarely (if ever) show notes -- or if there were, they were lost to the blurry mists of time. But seriously, if you're going back to these old chestnuts, do you need show notes?...